The Italian Embassy in Jakarta is holding a hybrid workshop in collaboration with the Italian Business Association in Indonesia (IBAI) and the Italian Trade Agency, on the pharmaceutical sector to discuss "The Indonesian Import Regulations and the Opportunities Offered by Italian Companies". This workshop aims to provide detailed information on the Indonesian updated import regulations for drugs and chemicals, and the many opportunities offered by Italian enterprises to the development of the Indonesian market.
The government regulations are to ensure that the imported medicinal and pharmaceutical products circulation meets the required safety, efficacy, and quality standards, necessitating regulatory updates occasionally. Following up on this effort, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia released Regulation No. 5 Year 2023 concerning Narcotics, Psychotropic Drugs, and Pharmaceutical Precursors. It includes the procedures for testing, supervision, and control of narcotics, psychotropic drugs, and pharmaceutical precursors entering Indonesia.
Date: Thursday, 18 July 2024
Time: 15.00-17.00 (WIB) or 10.00-12.00 (CEST)
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Hotel Jakarta, Jalan M.H. Thamrin, 10310 Jakarta, Indonesia
For RSVP, please kindly fill out the form in the link here and select your attendance at the venue at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Jakarta or Online through Webex.
*Registration is no later than Wednesday, 17 July 2024 at 17.00 WIB.
14.30 - 15.00 (WIB)
09.30 -10.00 (CEST):
15.00 - 15.05 (WIB)
10.00 - 10.05 (CEST):
Welcoming Remarks by Giovanni Finarelli Baldassarre, Head of Economic and Commercial Section of the Embassy of Italy in Jakarta
Panel Discussion Session 1:
"Indonesian Pharmaceutical and Health Sector: Registration and Procedures for Import/Export"
15.05 - 15.20 (WIB)
10.05 - 10.20 (CEST):
Roy Himawan, S.Farm., Apt., M.K.M.
Director of Pharmaceutical Resilience and Medical Devices
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
15.20 - 15.35 (WIB)
10.20 - 10.35 (CEST):
Bayu Wibisono, S.Si, Apt., M.A.B (*TBC)
Director of Drug Production Supervision
Drugs, Narcotics, Psychotropics, and Precursors of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (Badan
Pengawas Obat dan Makanan/BPOM)
15.35 - 15.50 (WIB)
10.35 - 10.50 (CEST):
Cucu Rina Purwaningrum S.TP,. M.P
Marketing and Networking Manager
Halal Inspection Agency in Indonesia (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan, dan Kosmetika Majelis
Ulama Indonesia/LPPOM MUI)
Panel Discussion Session 2:
"The Opportunities Offered by the Italian Pharmaceutical Industry to Indonesia"
15.50 - 16.05 (WIB)
10.50 - 11.05 (CEST):
Idham Hamzah
President Director of Minarini Indonesia
16.05 - 16.20 (WIB)
11.05 - 11.20 (CEST):
Piero Brambati
Director of Soho Global Health Tbk
16.20 - 16.35 (WIB)
11.20 - 11.35 (CEST):
David Marwoto Budi
President Director of Zambon Indonesia
16.35 - 16.55 (WIB)
11.35 - 11.55 (CEST):
16.55 - 17.00 (WIB)
11.55 - 12.00 (CEST):
Closing Remarks
Giovanni Finarelli Baldassarre
Head of Economic and Commercial Section of the Embassy of Italy in Jakarta
17.00 - 18.00 (WIB):
Networking & Dinner
*prayer room is provided