The COVID-19 pandemic affected both the economy and the life for all of us across the world. Countries reacted differently to fight the virus and overcome the challenges. For such reason the Italian Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Arigoni Avocat, Fidinam Group, Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners and Hawksford decided to compare and analyze the legal, fiscal and financial actions undertaken by governments in the following jurisdictions: Singapore, Italy, China, France, Switzerland and Vietnam. Our speakers will illustrate the main measures implemented in each country with the aim to understand the different approaches available.
4.00 pm Welcome Address - Giacomo Clerici, ICCS Vicepresident
4.05 pm Alessandro Zalonis, Head of ICCS Legal Committee
4.10 pm Speakers Panel
Singapore & China - Salvatore di Chiara, Head of Account Management at Hawksford
Italy - Smeralda Mazzei, Associate at Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners
France - Alexandra Arigoni, Lawyer at Arigoni Avocat
Switzerland - Samuele Lombardini, Assistant to CEO at Fidinam SA
Vietnam - Raffaella Piccoli, Managing Director at Fidinam Singapore Pte Limited
4.55pm Q&A
5.00pm Closing remarks
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Webinar ID 827 9844 5108
Password 876831
Managing Director of Coelclerici
Partner at Gianni, Origoni, Grippo Cappelli&Partners
Head of Account Management at Hawksford
Associate at Gianni, Origoni, Grippo Cappelli&Partners
Lawyer at Arigoni Avocat
Assistant to CEO of Fidinam SA
Managing Director of Fidinam Singapore Pte. Limited