Are you an independent SME building your business in Singapore? Or are you part of a bigger brand, but working a start-up driven team here?
SMEs, start-ups and scale-ups - we hear you. Sometimes chamber events are too much about polite small talk and not enough focused on business. That's why our next cross-chamber networking collaboration will be focusing solely on growth companies that simply don't have time to small talk, but want to find their next business partner and move on.
In this friendly and informal meet & pitch event, we will make sure that you circulate in order to get as much value as you can out of this networking session. Bring along the following to this event:
1) Your business proposition: Make sure you can describe your value proposition clearly and concisely in 1-2 min. To be communicated verbally of course, no slides
2) A challenge that you need help with: Building a business is not just about sales & marketing, it is also about finding a network of partners that can support and help you with those issues that come up along the way. You might not find a new client at this event - you might find someone who can help you solve a problem which hinders your business from growing.
If you are a chamber member and identify yourself with one of the following categories, we believe that this event is for you:
Note: The ticket price of $35 includes one drink of choice and snacks. Additional purchase at your own expense.
Exclusively for members of participating Chambers of Commerce in Singapore :
For more information: